Puff - Service Level


Attention: The service level is reserved exclusively for authorized and trained technicians and allows you to set, verify and modify the operation of the device.

Select the gear’sicon

You will be prompted with the settings window

Select the Tools icon and insert the password




Warning: the technical passwords are reserved only to trained technicians and should not be communicated to third parties; LAINOX reserves the right to take action if the people who have shared the information are identified.




From this view you can access the main settings of the unit. The settings can be as an editable field, button key (blue border if active), drop-down fields

campi a discesa

A. Serial number composed by LA020 followed by 6 numeric digits. This setting is critical because the system requires a serial to work in the cloud; the specific password is required

B. Oven Capacity allows to choose the model of the oven

C. Number trays allows to choose the number of trays used in the multilevel

D. Gastronomy oven If turned on allows the user of deli recipes, if it’s on Off only pastries will be visible

E. Celsius / Fahrenheit allows to choose how to measure the temperature

F. Core probe If present set to on

G. Frequence  Set to 50 or 60 hz depending on the line

H. Flowmeters allows to activate the Smart Chemical Detection which uses the ausiliary board

I. Wash management usually set on On allows the use of the washing programs

J. Water pressure switch Temporary deactivates the water Pressure switch

K. Customer code can be set with a special client code which will change the oven settings acordingly


Operational Tests – Relays board


From this view is possible to check all the inputs and outputs of the I/O board.

If output/input is active, the button is edged blue; if the function is not present, the button is disabled (gray).

You can only activate one exit at a time and you must close the door for safety reasons

A. Chamber 1 heating activates the C2; the system also starts the camera fan

B. Chamber 2 heating activates the C2; the system also starts the camera fan

C. V2 engine activation until O. 23 fastdry is opened


D) Humidity Activation of the S1 O.35 solenoid valve

E) Neutral Activation of the line of neutral users

F) Phase Activation of the user phase line

G) Light Activation of the door lighting


H) Fan activation of the chamber fan

I) Cool board activation of the cooling fan for the boards

J) Open door not utilized

K) Exhaust hood Activation of the high speed of the extraction

L) Out 39



M) Door Fan Activation of the fan of the door PV

N) Door state of the door microswitch B3

O) Water state of the water pressure switch

P) Fan safety state of the fan safety

Q) Cabinet safety state of the cabinet F2 thermostat

R) Open door state of the door


S) Water solenoid state of the valve S7 and washing flange ML

T) Det pump activation of the detergent pump PD



Warning : The I/O board temperature is detected by a probe soldered directly onto the board and is responsible for alarms A07 and A08.
 Warning : The core probe contains 4 probes; if more than one probe is defective, an A13 alarm is generated.

From this view you can see the temperatures detected by the probes.

The values of the probes must be consistent, with a value such as that shown in figure; -32764 corresponds to an absent or interrupted probe.

A) SC cabinet probe.

B) Core probe 1

C) Core probe 2

D) Core probe 3

E) Core probe 4

F) SB boiler probe

G) SD condensation probe

H) PCB temperature



In this form it is possible to view the activation and use times of all the various functions as well as you can reset the maintenance request

Num. di Starts it’s number of power on of the unit

Wrong Power off it’s number of power failures which can affect the congruence of the application database

Number of washing (by type)

Heating time of the boiler

Calout by delay time and numbers


Attention : La demande d’entretien a lieu après 365 jours et il est obligatoire de réinitialiser le compteur après une inspection. Si le client ignore la demande, le délai depuis la dernière maintenance sera visible et si la panne est due à un manque d’entretien, la garantie sera perdue

Jours de nettoyage du filtre : temps écoulé depuis le dernier nettoyage du filtre à air.
Les jours d’entretien sont le temps en jours écoulé depuis le dernier entretien/service


Alarms History

Warning: In the case of preventive maintenance, it is mandatory to check the Alarms historian in order to better evaluate corrective actions

In this screen it is possible to have all the last alarms recorded by the device with date and time in which the event occurred.

Possible to select what to show between all alarms, serious alarms and warnings



From this menu is possible import/export info and do further advanced settings

- Update Recipes DB allows to update an old or corrupted recipes database using an external file

- Default Recipe DB allows to restore the original recipes database in the screens using the internal database

- Demo Mode to switch the unit in exhibition mode with main power outputs disabled