Oracle - How do you solve the error message A02?

Message warns that chamber safety thermostat F2 switch.

As consequence C6 will open deactivating any function and generating the message.

This message does not necessarily require the intervention of an authorized technician; the causes of the failure may be due to external causes if the problem recurs is needed the intervention of a technician. 


The thermal safety of the chamber intervenes when the limit temperature in the chamber, 375°C / 707°F, is exceeded and opens a normally closed contact.

The control board receives power on inputs 1 and 5 from the thermostat contact; in the event of a power failure on these inputs, the error message is generated.


The intervention also takes place if the temperatures drop close to 0°C / 32°F. The intervention of the safety thermostat removes voltage from C6 (O-6) which cuts off power to the unit


Open front panel and reactivate the thermal safety pressing the reset button.


Perform following checks:

  • If the machine has remained exposed to the intense cold
  • The EG fuse
  • The absorptions on the phases, must be about 0A with the machine in standby.
  • C6 contacts must be opened with the unit turned off in case they remain closed change C6.
  • That the motor is working properly and that the fan cools the resistances.