Neo24h - Service level


Warning: the service level is reserved only to the authorized and trained technicians. It allows them to set, verufy and modify the functions of the device.  

Select the settings icon

The seetings view will open

Select the service icon and enter the password

User Password


Warning: the technical passwords are reserved only for trained technicians and must not be given to any third party; Lainox has the right to act upon any who share such information.

Blast freezer model


From this window you can access the main settings of the device. The settings are divided between values, options (such will have the blue border when active) and multiple choices

A. Serial number the first digits of it are FR020… followed by other 6 numbers. This information is mandatory because the system needs one to work in the cloud; to modify the s/n a specific password is needed.

B. Celsius / Fahrenheit The option between having Celsius and Fahrenheit as the default temperature. This option is changeable from the user level as well.

C. Number of trays is possible to choose between 6GN1/1, 8GN1/1, 12GN1/1, 12GN2/1, 16GN1/1, 20GN1/1 and 20GN2/1; the first 5 are cabinets and the last 2 are cells.  

D. Client code it allows, when available, to set automatically all the settings previously arranged with the client.

E. Save Saves all the settings overwriting the previous ones

F. Back go back to the service level (doesn’t save the changes made)

Functional tests– I/O


From this window is possible to control the inputs and outputs  of the I/O board.

If the outputs/inputs is active the edge will be blue; if the function is not present the key is disabled (grey);.

It is possible to select one input at a time and the door must be closed for security reasons. 


A) Alarm Activates the sound

B) Light in the cells activates the internal light O6 (cell)

C) Defrost activates the valve of the hot gas V3 O12

D) Evaporator fan activation activates the fan of the evaporator 0÷10VDC O31-32

E) Liquid solenoid valve Activates the liquid solenoid valve V1 O15

F) Door heating element Activates the door heating element R1 O17

G) Sterilox

H) Water solenoid valve activates the humidification valve V2 O19

I) Core probe heating activates the heating element on the core probe O23

J) Condenser fan activation activates the fan of the condenser V1 O28 

K) Stand by

L) Compressor activates the compressor M1 OA5

M) Cell heating element activates the heating element in the cell R4 OA2

N) Door status checks the door status I3 I51-52

O) Thermostat status checks the thermostat of the cell TB I57-58

P) High pressure switch checks the state of the switch I55-56

Q) Low pressure switch checks the state of the low pressure switch

Testing Cycle


From this window you can run accurate tests of all the unit functions as done in production line.

A) Temperature chart;

B) Actual status od the process;

C) Cabinet core probe;

D) Evaporator probe status;

E) Core probe status;

F) Fan Status;

G) Countdown phase

H) Actual temperature

I) Start the process



Warning: the temperature of the I/O board is measured by a probe fixed directly to the board and is responsible for the alarms A07 and A08.

Warning: the core probe contain 4 probes; if any are defective an A13 alarm will be displayed.


From this window you can see the temperature measured by the probes.

The values of the probes must be coherent, if you see values as in the photo -32764 the probe is missing or broken.

A) Cabinet probe measures the air temperature flow

B) Core probe 1

C) Core probe 2

D) Core probe 3

E) Core probe 4

F) Evaporator probe measure the temperature of the evaporator

G) PC board measures the temperature on the board

Alarms History


Warning: when the device needs to go under maintenance is mandatory to check the alarm history to evaluate any corrective actions


In this window is possible to check all the alarms registered by the device with specific dates and hours.

This window can be used to interpret the information given us by the user.

A) Selections of what type of alarms are present (serious, generic, all)

B) Possible to export, via USB, all the alarms

C) Possible to reset the alarms list



In this window is possible to view the activations and the time of use of all the various functions; it is also possible to reset all the counters.

Number of starts number of activations

Number of incorrect shutdowns number of shutdowns caused by drops of power which can lead to damages to the database.

Other Options

From this menu is possible to import/export information and to execute advanced settings

- Update database recipes updates the database of the old recipes or the corrupt recipes through an external file

- Default database recipes return the recipe database to it’s original status

- Demo Mode activates the demo mode which blocks all the outputs from the I/O board.
