Naboo - Control Boards



  • The electronic boards are:
  • I/O Board
  • Display
  • Auxiliary Exp.
  • Inverter
  • Depending on your oven options, there will be dedicated expansion boards.
  • Gas plug-in (gas units only)
  • SSR plug-ins (for electrical units only)
  • Exp. Boiler (only for units with bolier)

The operation and interface of the units are managed by electronic boards


I/O Board Naboo 5.0


Core probe

The relay or I/O board controls the operation of the unit according to the instructions provided by the display that serves as the user interface. Analog inputs highlighted in green, Digital inputs (open/closed) highlighted in blue; Inputs and outputs with line voltage highlighted in red

3-4          SD condensation probe (+ 4)

5-6          SB boiler probe (+ 6)

7-8          SC Chamber Probe (+ 8)

11-12     PA Water Pressure Switch

13-14     PG Gas Pressure Switch

15-16     B3 Door contact

17-18     15Vdc power supply

23  I. Neutral Line

24 I. L1 phase from F2

25 I. L1 phase from motor protection

27 O. Neutral Line

28 O. Neutral utilities

29 O. Panel acc. Z3

31 O. Panel acc. Z1

32 O. Contactor C6 – A1

34 O. E.V. Condensation. S5

35 O. E.V. Humidity S1

36 O. Pollogrill

37 I. L1 or F3 phase

38 O. Smoke PSM Pump

39 O. External Buzzer

40 O. PD1 detergent pump

41 O. E.V. S7 Wash + ML Wash Motor

43 O. E.V. Lower wash S7i + motor lav. Inf. MLi

44 O. PD2 detergent pump

45 O. Cooled fan. M2

46 O. Low/high hood speed

21 I.  Light supply 15Vdc

22 O. Standard Light

RS485 Inverter +

RS485 Inverter -

RS485 Inverter GND

Plug in 1 (in all units)

Plug in 2 (pavim unit only)

RJ45 EXPA Expansion Boards

RJ45 Display Board

Attention: The board acts as a power supply for all expansions connected on the BUS; it is essential to connect the display to the RJ45 connector dedicated to it (Keybord) because connecting it to the RJ45 connector dedicated to expansions (EXPA) could cause serious damage to the board.



The operation of the board is based on proprietary software generally identified as Firmware (FW).
The FW controls and controls operation based on the operating parameters, sensor inputs, and user-provided settings on the display.
For obvious reasons, the FW must be aligned with the SW of the display board.

To best support and ensure high reliability, the software contained in the display contains a copy of the firmware and if the display card is not aligned and cannot communicate with the I/O card, the system alerts and attempts to install the FW to align the two cards

I/O Board Naboo LA65303620


Power button/encoder
Key Illumination

Attention: The relay board also acts as a power supply for all expansions connected on the BUS; it is essential to connect the display to the RJ45 connector dedicated to it (KEYBOARD) because connecting it to the RJ45 connector dedicated to expansions (EXPA) could cause serious damage to the cards



RJ45 I/O board connector

Speaker connector


USB connector for data export and SW update

SOM card (do not remove)

Battery backup

Touch screen cable

Ethernet connector (optional)

Display cable

The display, enclosed in a plastic frame, is composed of three NON-SEPARABLE parts; the display, the SOM, which houses memory and processor, and the touch.


The display is fixed to the front panel with 8 nuts and a gasket, between the panel and the display, protects the display from water, grease and steam infiltration.
If the card is removed, always replace the gasket as damage due to infiltration is not covered by the warranty.
If the replacement is under warranty, the Display MUST BE RETURNED TO LAINOX.


The display is available as:

LAR65302490 NABOO Reloaded,

LAR65302493 for NABOO Boosted

LAR65303960 for NABOO 5.0

The hardware is the same but the pre-installed software changes. You can install the software to adapt to a different model but the replacement must be done carefully (see TI_03_2021).
We suggest not downgrading the display



The operation of the video card is based on the Android operating system; the NABOO application is installed on it, which we will refer to below as Software (SW).
When turned on, the operating system starts just like a smartphone; Once the operating system is started, an image is presented during the launch of the Naboo application.
If the display is replaced, check if there is a backup of the drive configuration; if present, load the configuration from USB, otherwise reconfigure the unit from the service level.


Display – Software Update


Update software On-line

When connected to the cloud, the unit automatically shows on the status bar if a new software version is available.
Follow the instructions on the display that guide the update; Once complete, the drive must be restarted.
If synchronization has been disabled, you can use the "Check for software update" button.

Attention: If your Wi-Fi connection is unstable or slow, do not use this update method.

The display can be upgraded by installing the latest SW version.

It is recommended to keep it updated to get bug fixes and new features that can improve and expand the cooking features.


Update software with USB

All displays are equipped with a USB port to update the software. The latest version is always available on the website

Download the SW to a memory stick and connect it to the USB port of the Naboo.
Select Complete Software
A window will appear to select the file containing the software that has the ".nbu" extension
Follow the instructions on the display that guide the update; Once complete, the unit must be rebooted.


Display – Boot Sequence


When the power is turned on, the display flashes briefly to indicate that the sequence has begun.

a) After a few seconds, Android shows the first screen

b) Then the system load begins

c) After a) and b), the "loading" screen appears with this message at the bottom; press on the             text to access the Maintenance level

If the system fails to boot and a) and b) continue to appear, the operating system is probably corrupted.
Contact LAINOX support to see if it is possible to reset the display.

The display operates on an Android base and has a boot sequence with the automatic activation of the Naboo application.

d) The Naboo app is starting
e) The Naboo app is now ready to use

In the event of a blackout, a large wrench will appear and you will need to wait a few seconds to be able to operate.

Power outages are the leading cause of operating system and database damage.

In case of repeated reboots (3 times) the system enters Recovery mode

f) View the Recovery mask to restore the system from the last backup

If the restart always stops at d), You can reset the database or reinstall the application from the Maintenance level by pressing Loading from the C) window

g) Access to the "Maintenance" level


Display – Maintenance Level


Pressing on Loading during the boot sequence, you enter the Maintenance level g) which allows you to access the data (not for users) with the password «stools»

Install the application from USB

Export database to USB

Clear the database

Import the database from USB

You can access system functions from the Maintenance window.


Installing the application

1) Download the software (file #name#.nbu) from the portal

2) Rename the file #name#.nbu to and extract Files from the folder

3) Rename the #name#.apk file to Lainox.apk and copy it to a USB stick. For Compact drives, rename the file to Lainox7h.apk (landscape) or Lainox7v.apk (portrait)

Go to the Maintenance level, connect the USB, and select Install app from USB.

You can access the system functions through the Maintenance window.
In some cases, if the boot sequence stops on d), you can fix it by reinstalling the application.


Application Database

You can:
Export the database to a USB stick
Import the database from a USB stick
Clear the database (a new empty DB will be created automatically)

You can access the system functions through the Maintenance window.
The application database contains the information for proper operation.


Esp. Auxiliary LA65303910


A) 15Vdc power supply

B) FastDry Control

C) BUS connection 1-,BLNX

D) BUS Connection 2- Smart Lighting System

E) Flow meters

F) FLUX1 CombiClean


H) FLUX2 free

This bus-controlled board manages various devices such as the new FastDry system and options, if installed, such as the Chemical Detection System, with its flow meters and the Smart Lighting System.



A) Power supply 230 +/- 10%

B) Bus connection to the I/O board

C) Outputs to the motor U, V, W with 400Vdc

D) Dip-switch identification

E) On=1st inverter

F) 1 =2nd inverter (units with 2 motors/inverters)

G) In case of inverter replacement, always check/set the dip-switch D) and configure the new inverter from Service level / Inverter management.

The inverter board, common to all oven models, control the fan motor based on the settings given by the relay board by BUS.

Pay attention to the electrical contacts of the board and wait a few minutes after power off before operating on it.




The inverter is equipped with a control system and self-diagnosis that communicates with the relays board via BUS and with the technician via the green and red LEDs that provide details on the status and operation.

The number of flashes of the red LED provides indications of the type of error (first flashing lasts about 1sec the other ½sec)


Plug-in SSR



There are 2 connectors on which the SSR wiring is plugged:

J1 Chamber heating control

J2 Boiler heatign control

On floor units, where there are two fans and two separate heating systems, a second plugin is installed and must be connected to Plug-in 2

See Electric Heating chapter for more details.

The SSR plug-in installs on the plug-in connector of the I/O board and acts as an interface between the relay board and the SSR by transforming the SSR trigger frequency into a 12VDC signal.


Plug-in Gas



The Plug-In is connected to the I/O board via a flat cable

J1  Blower control chamber

J2 boiler blower control

76  I. presence of chamber flame

77 I. presence of boiler flame

78 Neutral burners

79 I. Chamber flame alarm

80 Neutral Shared

81 O. Signal Reset Camera

82 I. boiler flame alarm

83 Shared Neutral

84 O. boiler reset signal

The GAS plug-in is installed on the Plug-in 1 connector of the I/O board and acts as an interface between the I/O board and the burners.
For more details see the chapter Gas heating


Boiler Expansion 5.0 LA65303930


RJ45 Bus connection

59  Massa Boiler

58 L1 Emptying probe

57 L2 Emergency probe

56 L3 Max Level Probe

47 Power from F3

48 Neutral Line

49 O. boiler burner 2 Z4

51 O. Pump PsB

52 O. boiler burner 1 Z2

53 O. E.V. boiler S2 filling

54 O. Pump Pb Pump CalOut

55 Line L1 feeding

The boiler expansion board, common to all Naboo models, controls the operation of the boiler and is only present in appliances equipped with the option.
The board does not have its own software and communicates with the relay board via bus over RJ45


Boiler Expansion LA65302520


This boiler expansion board can only be used in the previous product line and will not work on the new Naboo 5.0 line.