Zoom - What are alarms and what is their meaning?



 The ALARMS that interrupt or activate a cycle are viewed on the Home page; or, if they allow the continuation of the cycle in progress they will assume the task of the cycle advance bar until the end of the cycle. 


 Cycle interrupted by ALARM 

 ALARM with cycle in progress 


 The following table illustrates the alarm list.




Clock error.


  • set again the present day and time.

Principal consequences:

  • the device does not store the date and time in which a HACCP alarm has appeared.
  • the alarm outlet is activated.


Cell probe error.


  • check the value of parameter P0
  • check the integrity of the probe
  • check the device-probe connection
  • check the cell temperature.

Principal consequences:

  • if the error is detected during the “stand-by” status, no starting of operation cycle will be permitted
  • if the error is detected during chilling or deep freezing, the cycle continues and the compressor works continuously
  • if the error is detected during conservation, the compressor activity will depend on parameters C4 and C5 or C9
  • the minimum temperature alarm will not be activated again
  • the maximum temperature alarm will not be activated again
  • the door resistances will not be turned on again
  • the alarm outlet is activated.




Evaporator probe error.


  • the same of the cell probe error but applied to the evaporator probe.

Principal consequences:

  • if parameter P4 is set to 1, the unbrining will take the time established with parameter d3
  • parameter F1 will have no effect
  • the alarm outlet is activated.


Rod probe error.


  • the same of the cell probe error but applied to the rod probe.

Principal consequences if parameter P3 is set to 1:

  • if the error is detected during the “stand-by” status, the temperature-based operation cycles will be activated as time-based
  • if the error is detected during the temperature-based chilling, the chilling will take the time estab- lished with parameter r1
  • if the error is detected during the temperature-based deep freezing, the deep freezing will take the time established with parameter r2
  • if the error is detected during the rod probe heating, the heating will be interrupted
  • the alarm outlet is activated.


High pressure alarm (for 1ph models)

High pressure / compressor thermal alarm (for 3ph models)


  • check the multifunction inlet conditions
  • check the value of parameter i6.

Principal consequences:

  • if the cycle in progress foresees the use of the compressor, the cycle is interrupted
  • the alarm outlet is activated
  • the condenser fan turns on.


Door open alarm


  • check the door conditions.

Principal consequences:

  • all outlets are deactivated except the light and the alarm outlets.


Maximum temperature alarm (HACCP alarm)


  • check the cell temperature
  • check the value of parameters A4 and A5.

Principal consequences:

  • the device will store the alarm
  • the alarm outlet is activated.


Minimum temperature alarm (HACCP alarm)


  • check the cell temperature
  • check the value of parameters A1 and A2.

Principal consequences:

  • the device will store the alarm
  • the alarm outlet is activated.



Alarm of temperature-based chilling or temperature-based deep freezing not completed within the maximum duration (HACCP alarm).


  • check the value of parameters r5 and r6.

Principal consequences:

  • the device will store the alarm
  • the alarm outlet is activated.


Alarm of power source interruption (HACCP alarm).


  • check the device-source connection

Principal consequences:

  • the device will store the alarm
  • the eventual cycle in progress will restart when the power source is restored
  • the alarm outlet is activated.


Sanitising alarm.


  • check the correct insertion of the rod probe and the value of parameters r17 and r18.

Principal consequences:

  • the sanitising cycle will be interrupted.


Sanitising alarm not cancelled within the maximum duration of the first phase.


  • check the value of parameters r23 Principal consequences:
  • the device will store the alarm
  • the cycle in progress will be interrupted
  • the alarm outlet is activated.


Rod not inserted alarm.


  • check the correct insertion of the rod probes and the value of parameters r17 and r18.

Principal consequences:

  • the temperature-based cycle in use is switched to time-based cycle



Communication error in the user-module control interface.


  • check the connection of the user-control module interface.

Principal consequences:

  • all outlets are deactivated.




A warning is displayed when an alarm is triggered.

Some alarms prevent the machine operation, others just limit some functions.


Chamber Probe Alarm (Contact customer service)

A probe fault triggers the Chamber Probe Alarm and the buzzer and alarm relay trigger. The alarm is signalled at the top of the display. The buzzer sounds. It can be muted by touching the display. When the fault is fixed, the alarm automatically resets and the alarm relay turns off.

With the Chamber Probe broken, the following program can be started or continued:

  • Timed Chilling (the compressor is controlled on the Needle Probe).
  • Temperature Chilling not yet started switches to Timed at
  • Temperature Chilling in progress, switches to Timed if the Needle Probe is not inserted; the compressor is controlled on the Nee- dle Probe instead of on the Cell probe.
  • Temperature Chilling in progress with the Needle Probe inserted, the compressor turns on and off according to the set

Evaporator Probe Alarm (Contact customer service)

A probe fault triggers an Evaporator Probe Alarm. The alarm is signalled at the top of the display, the buzzer sounds and can be muted by touching the display.

At the end of the fault the alarm is automatically reset.

High Temperature alarm during storage

If the temperature remains over the set point during positive or negative storage for a time set by the parameter, a High Tempera- ture alarm triggers. The alarm is signalled at the top of the display.

The buzzer sounds and can be muted by touching the display. When the temperature returns under the alarm threshold, it is auto- matically reset. The alarm is saved in the HACCP log.

Low Temperature alarm during storage

If the temperature remains under the set point during positive or negative storage for a time set by the parameter, a Low Tempera- ture alarm triggers. The alarm is signalled at the top of the display.

The buzzer sounds and can be muted by touching the display. When the temperature returns over the alarm threshold, it is auto- matically reset. The alarm is saved in the HACCP log.

Needle Probe Alarm (Contact customer service)

A Needle Probe alarm triggers a Needle Probe fault alarm when in Stand-by or if a Temperature chilling cycle is in progress (in this case, the cycle automatically switches to timed). The alarm is signalled at the top of the display, the buzzer can be muted by touch- ing the display.

At the end of the fault the alarm is automatically reset. For Multi-top needle probe, a single sensor fault triggers the alarm.

Door Open alarm

The door open alarm triggers after a delay set by the parameter. The compressor immediately stops and that alarm is signalled at the top of the display- The buzzer sounds and can be muted by touching the display. The alarm is automatically reset when the door is closed.

HP pressure gauge Alarm (Contact customer service)

When the HP pressure gauge alarm is detected by the board, the chilling cycles in progress immediately end. The compressor and evaporator fans immediately stop and the alarm is signalled at the top of the display.

The buzzer sounds and can be muted by touching the display. At the end of the fault the alarm is automatically reset.

LP pressure gauge alarm (only for models where applicable) (Contact customer service)

When the LP pressure gauge alarm is detected by the board, the chilling cycles in progress immediately end. The compressor and evaporator fans immediately stop and the alarm is signalled at the top of the display.

The buzzer sounds and can be muted by touching the display. At the end of the fault the alarm is automatically reset.

Compressor overload alarm (only for models where applicable) (Contact customer service)

When the compressor overload alarm is detected by the board, the chilling cycles in progress immediately end.

The compressor and evaporator fans stop and the alarm is signalled at the top of the display. The buzzer sounds and can be muted by touching the display.

At the end of the fault the alarm is automatically reset.

Safety Thermostat alarm (Contact customer service)

When the thermostat alarm is detected by the board, the chilling cycles in progress immediately end. The compressor, fans and heating resistances immediately turn off.

The alarm is signalled at the top of the display.

The buzzer sounds and can be muted by touching the display. At the end of the fault the alarm is automatically reset.

Blackout alarm

When a blackout alarm occurs during a cycle in progress, the machine resumes the cycle from where it left off when power returns. Chilling time tolerance is 10 minutes.

The buzzer can be muted by touching the display.