Sapiens - How do you set the automatic moisture control?


The automatic moisture control system AUTOCLIMA ensures a constant moisture level in the cooking chamber when cooking in convection or combined cycle modes. It performs a dual function. It not only injects moisture, but it also removes moisture from the product when it exceeds the set value.


This is particularly useful in the case of fresh products that may not have the same moisture characteristics every day, but which once cooked, will always have the same appearance and consistency: the level of moisture inside the cooking chamber is constantly indicated during the cooking phase, and remains constant.

This system makes it possible to achieve the same cooked result for the same product cooked in different quantities.


Cooking with the automatic moisture control system

Note: cooking mode must be Convection or Combi



Set the temperature in the cooking chamber or for the core probe (see the relevant chapters on settings), press button 5 to set the desired AUTOMATIC MOISTURE CONTROL, from h00 (very dry) to h99 (very moist).

Put the product in the oven and, if the core probe has been set, insert the needle in the product (see the chapter “Setting the core probe”) and proceed based on the cooking method chosen.


A certain level of experience is assumed in defining moisture values.

In any case, it is not possible to make irreversible errors as this function enhances the appearance of the product.

Suitable for:

products that tend to dry out, small-sized products or those that tend to release excess moisture (e.g. roast chicken) or for re-heating, particularly on a plate.


Results can be reproduced even for products with different characteristics.