Oracle - How do you solve the error message A00?

Message warns that there is no communication between the Display and the control board.

As a result the unit will interrupt any function and displays the message.

This message requires the intervention of an authorized technician; causes of the fault must be investigated as per prescriptions.


The display is powered by the RJ45 connector that also transmits data.

Two scenarios are possible; or we are in the presence of a bad electrical connection or the firmware in control board and the software of Display board are not aligned. In the latter case, the display, will automatically try to update the FW in the control board.


When removing the operator panel, be careful not to tug the connecting cable as this may damage both the cable and the connector soldered to the board.


Check the following:

  • Fixed theRJ45 cable insertion on both boards.
  • Software update, if necessary, perform SW/FW update
  • Try replacing the cable
  • Try replacing the I/O card
  • Replace the Display