Sapiens - Components

Component Identification

Panel locking mechanism

Front cooling fan  



The I/O board performs all functions set by the display.

Boiler expansion board 






Motor Fastdry

 Washing motor is activate together with S7 solenoid valve

The steam generator is an optional which must be ordered with the unit, no way to retrofit after production

C6 Safety contactor

Power supply terminal block


Solid State Relays







The power supplier has

-two inlet: 0V for neutral 230Vac

-two output: 0V and 15Vdc

Output of the Power supply is connected to the control board I17 and I18.

Warning: the power supplier, due to the internal capacitors stay charged for some few minutes, do not touch or short output.

Power supplier T1

All Naboo 5.0 units have a main power supplier which convert the power line 230Vac into a 15Vdc to supply the control board and internal lighting.


Control and safety components



Main transformer T1

All units have a main transformer to convert the power line 230Vac into a 12Vac to supply the control board which has an internal rectifier to generate the 12Vdc needed by all PCB.

The main transformer is a 40VA and has

-three inlet: 0V for neutral 220V and 240V.

-two output: 0V and 12V

Output of the Main transformer are connected to the control board inlet I17 - I18 (Sapiens I10 – I11)



Safety contactor C6

All appliances have a safety contactor C6, powered by the control board through output O32 (Sapiens O22)

If deactivated C6 cut the power to all power components.

The intervention of even one physical safety interrupts the power supply to the C6.

Warning: the C6 is usually kept active by the system for about 30 min. to allow the fans and the hood to cool the electrical compartment when the oven is switched off

Transformator EAT1

Insulation transformer EAT1

In case of special voltages units are equipped by an additional transformer to generate the internal 230Vac.

The autotransformer is protected by two fuses named EAT1 and EAT2

It’s located behind the left side panel.


Door contact B3

Door contact B3 is a reed contact located on the front panel which detect the presence of the magnet fixed on the door

Door control is managed by the digital input on the control board I15-I16 (Sapiens I12-13)



Each appliance is equipped with thermal cut-offs that protect it against overtemperatures.

The thermal cut-offs have a normally closed contact, which, if tripped, cut off the voltage to the C6, thus inhibiting the appliance’s operation except for the control boards which will display error messages.

The thermal cut-offs must be manually reset by an authorised technician, who must verify the cause of their activation and restore the correct operation.

The operating principle of the safety thermostats is based on the expansion coefficient of an oil contained in a capillary file. In the case of high ambient temperatures, incorrect installation, or the malfunction of the cooling system, may result in nuisance tripping.

In the case of repeated tripping, it is advisable to replace the component.

In the case of repeated tripping, it is advisable to replace the component.


Cabinet safety thermostat F2

Each appliance is equipped with a thermal cut-off named F2, which protects the cabinet against overtemperatures and which, if tripped, cuts off the voltage the relays board, thus inhibiting the appliance’s operation and displaying error messages.

The working range of F2 is between 5°C and 365°C. This means that system is protected from too high but also too low temperatures to prevent any leaks from cracked water pipes by frozen water.

If the thermal cut-off is tripped will miss power to control board I24 (Sapiens I40) and the message A02 is shown

To reset the message is needed to press the reset button accessible from the front panel.

Warning: if needed during troubleshooting possible to short those safety thermostats but never leave the unit working shortcutting them.


Boiler safety thermostat F3

Each appliance with boiler is equipped with a thermal cut-off called F3, which protects the boiler against overtemperatures (operation without water) and which if tripped, cuts off the voltage to the power section of the base board and boiler expansion board, thus inhibiting the appliance’s operation except for the display of error messages on the display board

The F3 tripping limit is 150°C, which prohibits operation of the boiler without water.

If the thermal cut-off is tripped will miss power to I37 I48 (Sapiens I32 I42) and the message A03 is shown.

To reset the message is needed to press the reset button accessible from the front panel.

Warning: if needed durning troubleshooting possible to short those safety thermostats but never leave the unit working shortcutting them.




All units are protected by fuses; depending on the model, type of power supply, options, and market we can have different fuses


Water pressure switch PA

Appliances without boiler are equipped with a water pressure switch named PA, installed on the body of the water solenoid valve rail

If the PA water pressure switch is tripped will open the contact on control board digital inputs I11-12 (Sapiens I16–I17) and the A04 message appears on the display. The steam or combined cooking is interrupted until the input pressure is restored.

The tripping limit of the PA pressure switch is 50 KPa (0,5 Bar), below which the contact opens; it automatically closes when the pressure exceeds this limit




Gas  pressure switch PG

Gas-powered appliances are equipped with a pressure switch named PG installed on the gas inlet rail before the gas solenoid valves

If the PG gas pressure switch is tripped will open the contact on control board digital inputs I13-14 (Sapiens I14–15) and the A06 message appears on the display and any cooking under way is interrupted until the input pressure is restored.


The tripping limit of the PG pressure switch can be adjusted using the ring nut on the body of the pressure switch.

The pressure value must be set as follows:

G20 (METHANE) 10mbar

G30/G31 (LPG) 20mbar

Warning: If the A06 message frequently appears, check the static and dynamic inlet pressures, measurable at the inlet of one of the gas valves, and check if the supply plant is compatible with the thermal load of the appliances connected.


Temperature probes



The temperature probes used are the K type, that is, probes that generate continuous voltage (mV), which constantly varies according to the temperature as per the table

The component used, LAR65320220, is the same for all probes, therefore it is a strictly recommended spare part.

Warning: the temperature probes generate DC voltage and are therefore polarised. The polarity must therefore be respected when making the connection to avoid unexpected behaviour


SC Chamber Probe

The SC probe detects the temperature in the cooking cabinet and is positioned near the heating elements, behind a small shield, to measure the temperature of the air flow directed toward the product.

The SC probe is essential in all forms of cooking and in case of a fault shall render the appliance unusable.


Temperature probes


SD Condensation Probe

The SD probe measures the temperature in the top section of the drain ventilation pipe and performs 3 functions

The humidity produced by all types of cooking (steam, combi and convection) generates steam that must be condensed to prevent an excessive amount of steam from spilling over into the environment or into the drain

When the limit temperature is reached the S5 solenoid valve activates and by way of the nozzles positioned in the cooking chamber drainpipe and drain box, condenses the steam.

To properly operate, the nozzles must be supplied with cold water, at a maximum of 30°C.

While cooking the system activates and carries out steam production regulation, interrupting production when the maximum saturation or desired humidity level is reached in the cooking chamber.

During operation, if the SD temperature reaches the limit value, boiler heating is paused.

When the temperature drops below the set value the boiler heating is reactivated again

The Autoclima allows regulation of the humidity percentage in the cooking cabinet, and in the event of excessive humidity, the board activates the V2 Fast Dry motor to expel any excess moisture and restore the correct required humidity level


Temperature probes



Warning: If the water temperature has not reached at least 85°C, steam or combined cooking will be paused until the pre-heating temperature is reached.

If the machine is left with the door open or in standby for a particularly extended period, pre-heating will be deactivated

The SB probe, which is included only in appliances with steam generator, measures the temperature of the water in the boiler and has the sole function of maintaining a water temperature of at least 85°C.


Lighting of the cabinet is grant from a LED lighting system powered with 15Vdc.

Standard lighting is white and gets power from the transformer through I/O board I21.


The option Smart Lighting System offer multicolor interactive info; it gets power from T1 and is controlled through Aux Expansion board

Warning: LED bar is sensitive to electrostatic charges and can be damaged because of wrong handling

Cabinet has an efficient lighting managed by a LED system installed on the door behind the internal glass


On Boosted and Reloaded lines the lighting was managed through a LED lighting system powered with 12Vdc.

The power is supplied by the board through a power supply self protected; in case of inconstant lighting inspect the cabling to the LED looking for a short to the ground.

Power to the LED come from the lower hinge on table units, from top hinge on floor units

On Reloaded the power was grant through a contact between door and front side.