Neo24hours - How do you solve the error message A120?

A120 High temperatures alarm occurs during the storage phase and signals that the temperature has risen above the set value.

This message does not necessarily require the intervention of a technician.


High temperature alarm in the cell during the positive or negative storage phase; occurs when the cell temperature is higher than the value given by the storage temperature (see cycle parameters) + P02/P04 for a time longer than P07 minutes, and the P06 delay time has expired since the cycle activation. When the temperature in the room drops by P01 below the alarm threshold, the alarm automatically resets.


When the temperature in the room falls below the alarm threshold, the alarm automatically resets.


The problem can be caused by the way of use with frequent door openings and addition of hot products during the storage phase.

  • Check that the evaporator is not packed with ice. Daily defrosting cycle.
  • Check calibration probe cell B1 (PTC); eventually replace it
  • Test cycle (temperature must drop to -25°C within 20 min.): if it does not cool go to "Compressor works but does not cool"
  • Check ON/OFF compressor parameters P30 and P31
  • Check main board
  • Check compressor