The main access is via the Nabook portal ( accessible from any device on Internet.
To log in you must, of course, have an existing account; "log in" button, or create an account by selecting the "register for free" button and entering your data.
Devices equipped with connectivity and access to the LAINOX Cloud allow remote control of the device or devices in case several devices are associated with the same account
To connect the device to WiFi select the settings button then WiFi and at this point it will be possible to activate / deactivate connectivity or select the network to which to connect the device.
Network must be protected, and the system uses only secure SSL protocols.
Warning: WiFi network cannot be captive.
Warning: In the case of particular network configurations and access restrictions, it is possible to access the MAC address of the device by selecting the service button and using the password ecol the network administrator must in any case guarantee the opening of ports 90, 443 and 8883 used by the system for synchronisation.
Warning: To check if the configuration is correct use the cloud key that will display a window indicating the correct access to the cloud or, in case of incorrect configuration, a text window with errors.
Each Naboo, Neo or Oracle device is equipped with WiFi or wired Ethernet connectivity; in the case of WiFi connection the connection must be configured with the help of the customer or his specialized employees/consultants.
Each Naboo, Neo or Oracle device can be connected to a Nabook account simply by selecting the settings button, then the Cloud button and finally the Login button.
By entering in the mask username and password used for registration on Nabook the device will connect and synchronize with the account in the cloud and will remain aligned keeping all the changes made on all devices
By creating an account on the cloud a reserved area, inaccessible to third parties, is created; here the customer can record his private information.
Same time will be created an area where technical information such as status, settings, errors etc. will be recorded. This area is only accessible to LAINOX and its partners with technical agreement
The cloud is not just one by one but the same account can be shared with multiple devices keeping them all updated and monitored.
There is also the nabook is master mode through which you can make sure that all the changes made in nabook are automatically extended to all the devices while the changes made in the single device are overwritten by the centralized ones.
LAINOX Partners with a valid service agreement can request accessing and monitor their customers.
The system allow to monitor the status of each unit associated (alarms, I/O, counters) and force for example the SW update.