Naboo - How do you solve the error message “A21 chamber 1 ignition failure”?

A21 flame alarm cabinet 1 warn about 3 repeated  attempts to ignite the cabinet 1 burner without  success. 
As a consequence, the unit inhibits burner operation  and waits for an action by the operator. 

This message does not necessarily require the  intervention of a technician; confirm the  message to start a new ignition sequence. 


The ignition panel of the chamber 1 burner does not  recognize the flame on the detection electrode after  3 successive ignition attempts. 


The error is reset by pressing on the error message  window. 

In special cases the system can go into deep lock.  Before replacing the panel, try, after temporarily  removing power, to restore by activating dry cooking  and short-circuiting for 1 sec. inputs 80-81 of the gas  plug-in. 


In case of repeated alarms, carry out the following  checks: 

  1. Check basic conditions 
  2. Check the correct phase / neutral connection of  the power (0V neutral–ground) 
  3. Check the correct type of gas (red or yellow  sticker placed near the gas inlet of the oven, red  for methane G20 and yellow for LPG G30)
  4. Check the supply pressure on the inlet IN of the  gas valve, check the static pressure value, with  burner off, (20-25 mbar methane and 30-37  mbar LPG) and the value of the dynamic  pressure, burner on, (18-20mbar methane and  28-30 mbar LPG); if the pressure drop is higher,  check the plant. 
  5. Check from the service level menu burner  management - burner chamber 1 operation:
    1. Make sure the blower turns 
    2. After a few seconds, the spark must ignite on  the ignition electrodes (230V at the ignition  transformer) 
    3. If the blower rotates but there is no voltage to  the transformer the problem could be linked  to the gas plug-in, electrical connection  between plug-in and panel and EZ1 fuse 
    4. If the voltage reach the transformer but the  spark does not come, check / replace the  ignition transformer but also check the  position of the ignition electrodes on the  burner head (distances 4-5mm between them  and 8mm from the burner surface). Check  also the integrity of the high voltage cables  that connect the electrodes. 
    5. If there is a regular spark and the burner does  not light up (bring your hand close to the  exhausts outlet to check for the presence of  heat) it is possible a malfunction of the gas  valve or an incorrect calibration (wrong  nozzle). 
    6. If the burner turns on but then turns off it could  be a detection problem due to inverted  phase/neutral, lack of earth, proximity  between detection cable and ignition cables  or flame detection electrode. To be checked.
    7. Check that there is no obstruction in the air  intake or exhaust system that could reduce  the flow of suction / flue gases and that the  suction pipes are properly connected.
    8. Check the gas settings 
      - Reloaded the presence of the calibrated  disc at the valve outlet for G30 absence for  G20/25 and the length of the screw of MIX 
      - Boosted the nozzle section calibrated at the  mixer/venturi inlet 
      - Compact the calibrated nozzle section  between venturi and valve
    9. If the problem persists check / replace the  ignition panel (connection - valve pin) j) Check if the metal mesh of the burner is intact  and that there is no interference with or  deformations to the electrodes