Naboo - How to resolve error message “A04 Water shortage alarm“?

A04 Water shortage alarm warn that water is not detected.
As consequence units open water solenoid and show the message after a short delay.

This message does not necessarily require the intervention of a technician; the causes of the failure can be external.


Pressure switch PA for direct injection units; level probes for boiler units do not detect water presence.


On boiler units water must be conductive >50µS 
On direct injection units water pressure must be >50Kpa


Message reset automatically.
In case of PA defect is possible to deactivate it from: Service Level / oven model / pressupre switch: OFF


Perform following checks:
  • Check opening of water tap with the hand shower if present
  • Check if water pressure is adequate.
  • Check solenoid valve S1 (out 35) or S2 (out 53).
  • Check pressure switch PA.
  • Check if water is conductive.
  • Check boiler level probes.
  • Check if drain valve close.