Sapiens - How do you connect the oven to the electrical power supply?

  • This oven is a Y type appliance, with the connection made only by qualified personnel. The connection cable (if not included) and all else needed to connect the oven to the mains power, must be supplied by the installer. The cable must satisfy the requirements listed in table 1 “General data”.

    The overall power supply impedance of the equipment must be less than 100 Ω.

    As already mentioned, the oven must be connected to the power supply by way of a multiple pole main isolating switch ensuring a gap between open contacts of at least 3 mm on each pole.
  • To gain access to the AC mains connection terminal board, the right hand panel of the casing must be removed by undoing the fixing screws (all models).
  • In models not supplied with a power cord, the cable must be inserted from below in the cable clamp. The individual wires are then fastened to the corresponding terminals of the terminal board. The earth wire must be longer than the other wires, so that in the event of the cable being jerked or the clamp broken, the live wires will disconnect first. Check the efficiency of the isolating switch.
  • The oven must be kept in an equipotential system. This connection is made by wiring a conductor of nominal cross section 10 mm2 to the corresponding terminal at the back of the oven, which is marked with the internationally recognized symbol IEC60417 – 5021  .
    All appliances in the room are bonded in this way and connected to the earth system of the building.
  • The electrical safety of this appliance can be guaranteed only when it is connected correctly to an efficient earth system, in compliance with current standards.
  • If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.
  • Switch of f the appliance during disconnection/connection to the electrical power supply.
  • Before connection, check that the power voltage corresponds to the voltage indicated on the rating plate for the appliance.
  • Regulations for the electrical connection
    Connect the appliance according to the regulations in force in your country, state, city or municipality.
    Connect the appliance to an electrical power supply in compliance with the standards in force.
    The current absorbed, fuses and cable sections depend on the following factors:
    –    local regulations
    –    cable length
    –    cable quality
    –    Power supply
    For an electrical connection which complies to the standards in force, adapt the connected power to the conditions and local requirements.
    The manufacturer recommends using a separate and safe electrical line for each appliance.
  • For the electrical connection of the appliances, it is possible to choose a fixed or plug connection
  • Countertop appliances designed for a standard AC 230V power supply for gas ovens and 3NAC 400V power supply for electric ovens, are supplied with a power cord without plug.

    The multicore cable is made up of the following coloured wires:


3N AC 400V power supply:

Active L1 BROWN

Active L2 BLACK

Active L3 GREY

Neutral N BLUE



3 AC 400V or 3 AC 230V power supply:

Active L1 BROWN

Active L2 BLACK

Active L3 GREY



AC 230V power supply:

Active L1 BROWN

Neutral N BLUE



  • Appliances which differ from those described above are supplied without a power cable.