Neo24hours - How do you solve the error message A160?

A160 Core probe alarm identifies a core probe "B3" issue.

This message do not necessarily requires the intervention of a technician.


The alarm can be caused by the core probe "B3" interrupted, stared, or by the analog input in the board. The aesthetically damaged core probe is never to be considered under warranty.


Replace the core probe B3.


Check the connection of the probe to the board.

If the connection is loose, connect the probe again and check that the alarm does not appear on the display.

If there is oxide on the connection remove it and check that the alarm is gone.

If the alarm persists, with the multimeter set in Ω, check the resistive value of the probe (see tab. PT1000 in the Tables Temperature Probes guide).

If the probe is interrupted or if the resistive value is outside the range of use, replace the probe.

If the resistive value of the probe corresponds to the temperature of the surrounding environment, replace the board.

A160 IT-1