Naboo - Important indications for the user

  • With the user manual to hand, show the user the functions, safety devices, appropriate use and, above all, the time intervals for servicing the oven. Maintenance operations include cleaning the burners, inspecting the combustion chamber and cleaning the various ducts and pipes, and should be carried out at least once a year. With this in mind, customers are recommended to sign a service agreement.
  • Ensure the user is fully aware that such repair and/or maintenance operations as may become necessary over time must be carried out only by an authorized service agent.
  • Explain clearly to the user that in the event of breakdown or faulty operation, all connected utilities (water, electricity and gas) should be shut off immediately.
  • Keep the installation manual and the wiring diagram for future reference. Explain to the user that the user manual supplied with the oven must be kept near the oven in a place where it can be seen. It is good policy to make a note, in the user manual, of the name and contact numbers of the selected Service Agent.
  • Explain to the user that certain faults in operation are often due to simple errors or oversights such as failure to switch on or connect utilities. Accordingly, kitchen staff should be trained in such a way that they can use the appliance confidently and understand how it operates. Faults of a recurring or persistent nature must be investigated by an authorized Service Agent.
  • Explain clearly that any alterations to the room or changes in ventilation may affect the operation of gas-fired appliances. In these cases, it is advisable to have the oven functions checked over.